End of Season

Warwick, Photo by Claire G.






Hi Monitors,

Thank you very much for all your efforts in tracking nests this year. So far we have received about 2,400 observations. Since this number is down from the 4,000 observations we typically receive I am hoping that many of you are still getting around to submitting your data.

If you are having trouble submitting your data, please feel free to send an email directly to me (Jon) at rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com with the following information. If you have already submitted your data, there is no need to send it again. This is for folks who have not submitted their data or are having trouble with the process.

Be sure to include the following information in your email:

  1. Your full name
  2. Nest name
  3. End of season nest status (no nest, not active, housekeeping, active, successful). If successful, please provide the # of fledglings that you observed.
  4. Any information important to the nest status and/or breeding success

The cutoff for data submission will be October 1st. Please try to get your observation information in before then so it can be included in the final report.

Thank you so much!







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