July Nest Activity Data

Monitors of the RI Osprey Monitoring program were hard at work throughout July! The July observations show an astounding increase in fledglings observed across RI. So astounding that I had to go back and review the observations a second time just to be sure!
The document showing the observations for July has two tabs: Data and Calculations. Be sure to check out both tabs! The data spreadsheet shows the observational results, sorted by city and nest name. The calculations spreadsheet shows analysis and trends of the data.
In the month of July, 210 nests across RI (and two cities in MA) were actively monitored and produced data. Of these nests 173 were active and 159 were successful, producing 320 fledglings. These numbers show a healthy increase in both the numbers of active nests and fledglings from previous years.
These great results would not have been observed and tracked if it was not for the hard work of all the monitors supporting the RI Osprey Monitoring program!
Thank you!
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