Bullock Cove Marine

Hi Monitors,

Thanks to Teresa, I am aware of the nest on top of the crane at Bullock Cove Marine.  I have called them twice and will continue to call them in order to have a friendly conversation.   I also alerted DEM Enforcement so that they are aware of the situation and might have a proactive talk with the owner.  Obviously Bullock Cove has a business to run, but the birds are protected while the nest is active (which it is).  So the decision on how to proceed falls to the DEM.

I hope that everyone is finding the time to get out and monitor nests.  Lots of activity this Spring!







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NEW 2021 Nest Coverage List

Hi Monitors!

Better late than never!  Thank you all so much for your patience as we try to kick of the season from the database management perspective.   Following is a link to the initial 2021 Nest Coverage List –I am sure it will be updated and reposted.  If you see changes that should be made, please send them to me (Jon) at:  rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com

Link to Nest Coverage List:


I have also posted the link under the  “Informational Resources ”tab on this site.

Regarding access to submit your data –I am working with Jess on this, so everyone should have access by the end of the week.  This should impact only new monitors.  In the meantime, please keep your field notes so that you can enter the information later.

Adding new nests to the database so that you see them when you go to submit your observations –Jess is (again) helping with this.  Once she teaches this old dog how to do it I will be able to catch up more quickly.

Thank you again for all your support and patience!





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Spring Update

Hi Monitors!

Thank you so much for your dedication and patience as we get the ball rolling this Spring.  Following is a status report regarding the administration of the program:

2020 Osprey Report –This has been posted on the website.  If you know of any items that need to be edited please send an email to: rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com   I am compiling the changes and will make them.

New monitor permissions –New monitor passwords will be entered into the system next week.   I will send out a notice to everyone so that you may start to submit your data via the website.   If you are not sure of your password, please send a note to rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com.

Nest Assignment List : We had a last minute surge of interested monitors, which delayed the process.  That is a great problem to have!   I have updated the list and now need to “clean ”it and post it.  My goal is to release it in a abbreviated form next week.   In the meantime, please monitor those nests that you told me you were interested in.  When the Nest Assignment List is posted, you will be able to see 1) if your name is associated with the nests you want to monitor, 2) if there are other monitors associated with the nest and 3) those nests that do not have any monitors.   Please feel free to ask to pick up an unmonitored nest, especially if there are already several people monitoring one of the nests you cover.  Please note that some of the nests are listed as “HISTORIC/UNKNOWN ”.  This means that either we did not receive conclusive information about the breeding success of the nest, or the nest has not been active in the past 3+ years.  These nests remain in the database.

New Nests: ‘Tis the season to spot new nests.  If you spot a new nest, please check the map on the website to determine if we already have it listed.  If we do not have the new nest listed, please click on the ‘new nest ’tab and follow the directions.  As soon as we can verify the location, directions and get a photo we will add it to the map and the database.

And finally, Active vs Not Active Nests : If a nest has a pair present that seem to be engaged in breeding activity (nest construction/repair, copulation, incubation, or chicks, then the nest is deemed “Active ”.  It there are no Osprey present at all, the nest is deemed “Not Active ”.  And if there are Osprey present at the nest, but not engaged in any breeding behavior the nest is considered ‘Not Active ”

Thank you for your time and dedication in supporting the program!  And another thanks to Gary, Paige and Jess for their continued support as well.








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Please Update Your Email Address

Please Update Your Email Address
If you have not received any recent emails from me, it means that we do not have your email address. If you changed your email address in the past year, or are not sure, please send a note with your current email address to Jon at rhodeislandosprey.info
Thank you! Jon
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New Osprey Monitors Needed!


Interested in joining a fun, long-standing, meaningful citizen science program?

The R ho de Island Osprey Monitoring program needs your help!


This program has been managed by Audubon Society of Rhode Island for the past ten years.  Before that, the program was managed by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) since 1977.  The program has what may be the longest run of observation data focused on Osprey.   We need to keep this program, and the valuable data stream, up and running in 2021.

Program Overview:

Osprey monitors observe their assigned nest once a week for approximately 30 minutes per visit.  After making the field observation, monitors use the program ’s website to submit their observational information.  Training is provided (via a virtual training guide during COVID) and binoculars are required.  The program includes a support network and is a great reason to get outside and explore nature!  The program runs from March through August.  At the end of the season a report that summarizes all of the observations is published for use by the public, scientists, students, industry and government policy makers.

If you would like to learn more or sign-up as a monitor, please send a note to Jon at rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com or call him at 401-959-5454 x3201



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2020 Rhode Island Osprey Monitoring Report

I am pleased to announce that the 2020 Rhode Island Osprey Monitoring Report has been posted in the Osprey Reports section of this site.  I have also posted a link to the document here:https://asri.org/file_download/e9f4f6a5-02a9-4498-8657-a57236bc78f0

2020 was a banner year for the observation of fledglings –and it was all due to the hard work of the monitors and volunteers who supported the program.  Audubon Society thanks all of the volunteers for their dedication and hard work during a difficult season.

If you have any comments, questions or corrections regarding the Report please email Jon at rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com.

Thank you all!





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Osprey Monitor Training Guide

Photo: Meredith Brady at Ryan Park










Osprey Monitors New and Old,

Since we cannot hold in-person training sessions this Spring, I have  posted a new training module under the “Informational Links ”section of this website.

I have also posted it here: https://asri.org/file_download/f90f2e76-de85-4f56-b2d1-4aaff490fe2e

If you are new to the program, going through the module is mandatory

Since your observation data is what the program relies on for the annual report, it is important that you know what to look for.  I have included some information about Audubon Society of Rhode Island as well as the history of the program in case you find yourself in a conversation about the program.

If you find any grammatical errors or misinformation please feel free to email me at rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com

Thank you again for supporting Osprey in Rhode Island!






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It ’s Nest Assignment Time!

Hello everyone!

Don ’t let the 10 degree weather fool you, the 2021 Osprey Monitoring season is just around the corner.

The first step of the process is for returning monitors to tell me which nest(s) they intend to cover this season.  Please send me an email listing the official name of each nest you can commit to monitoring.  Please do not say “same as last year ”.  If you are unsure of the name, you can look it up on the map of nest sites.   Please be sure to send me your list by February 15th.   You can send the email tojscoones@asri.org .

After February 15th the list of remaining unmonitored nests will be published and the public (new monitors) will be invited to cover them (after their training and such).

Thank you all for a great 2020 season, and hopefully an even better 2021!


PS. Photo by Pelletier in Pawtucket!




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Post Your Observations &Final Observations

Hi Monitors!

Please be sure to post on the nests for August. If your nest remains active feel free to continue posting. A lot of activity happens in early August.

We will be reviewing the final activity through mid-September when we will compile the data and create the final report for the season. When you enter your final observation please summarize the information for that nest.

For example: Smith Nest: Season Summary: Nest Successful with 2 fledglings. OR Smith Nest: Season Summary: Nest Not Active, etc …Thank you!  Jon

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July Nest Activity Data

Monitors of the RI Osprey Monitoring program were hard at work throughout July!  The July observations show an astounding increase in fledglings observed across RI.   So astounding that  I had to go back and review the observations a second time just to be sure!
The document showing the observations for July has two tabs: Data and Calculations.  Be sure to check out both tabs!  The data spreadsheet shows the observational results, sorted by city and nest name.   The calculations spreadsheet shows analysis and trends of the data.
In the month of July, 210 nests across RI (and two cities in MA) were actively monitored and produced data.   Of these nests 173 were active and 159 were successful, producing 320 fledglings.  These numbers show a healthy increase in both the numbers of active nests and fledglings from previous years.
These great results would not have been observed and tracked if it was not for the hard work of all the monitors supporting the RI Osprey Monitoring program!
Thank you!
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