Unknown Nest List From 2021

Hello new and returning Osprey monitors!

The 2022 season is just around the corner so it is time to greet everyone and review the administrative portion of the program!

2021 Annual Report: The report is nearly done. It will be published here upon its completion.

Request for help: We had 63 nests that were either not reported on, or the reporting was curtailed too soon for us to determine the breeding information. It would be helpful if returning monitors would follow the link to the list of unknown nests get back to me if any of the the listings should be changed. (I.e. Unknown to Active, or Unknown to Successful with 2 fledglings.) The link is located in the Links section of this site: Unknown Nests in 2021

Training for the 2022 Season: Training classes have been conducted. The training PowerPoint may be found in the Informational Resources section. If you meet someone who is interested in becoming a monitor, please have them email me (Jon) at rhodeislandosprey@gmail.com The program can certainly use more monitors!

Nest Assignments: I am currently working on nests assignments. Returning monitors should send me a list of the nests they will cover in 2022 ASAP. Please send me the nest names and NOT “same as last year”. Thank you! New monitors should send me a list of the nests they would like to cover ASAP as well. I plan on getting back to everyone next week,

Submitting Data-New Option: The preferred method for submitting data is via the “submit data” tab on the website. If you find this too difficult, then please send me your observation data on a spreadsheet attached to an email. This should be done bi-weekly. The template spreadsheet will be posted on the website later this week.

Please check this site for updates on a weekly basis.

Thank you all, and I look forward to seeing you on the trails!



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